Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft


THREAKS is an award winning game studio based in Hamburg, Germany founded in 2009. We work on games that we love for pc, consoles and mobile as well as AR & VR. With more than a decade of experience THREAKS is a proud team of highly ambitious, creative and diverse industry professionals. Next To our own projects we offer our professional services to external clients, so if you're interested, make sure to visit our services page for more information. THREAKS is an official Unity Partner Studio.

Kategorien: EntwicklerEntwickler & PublisherDienstleistungenConsultingIT ServiceAnimation/GrafikQA/SupportKonsole / PCPublisherOnline / BrowserMobileAR / VRAR/VRKonsole / PCMobileOnline / BrowserVR / AR

Papenstraße 27a, 22089 Hamburg

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Games Made in Germany Steam Sale 2023

Über 215 Spiele werden dieses Jahr beim "Made in Germany " Steam Sale vom 22. bis 29. Juni auf der größten Plattform für PC Spiele ins Rampenlicht gestellt.

Senator's Roundtable 2023

The games industry is a driving and innovative factor in Hamburg’s economy – this is why Hamburg’s Minister for Culture and Media, Dr. Carsten Brosda, together with Gamecity Hamburg regularly invites representatives from the industry for the Senator’s Roundtable.

Hamburg Games Conference 2023: 30+ speakers, panels, networking and more

The Hamburg Games Conference is drawing near, with just three weeks to go until March 1 & 2! Right on schedule, the conference line-up is now complete, so let's take a look at the newcomers who bring several fascinating talks and panels for both the main track on "Invest in Games" and the complimentary second track on dev, funding and marketing topics to the table.

So war die Hamburg Games Conference 2022

Die Hamburg Games Conference am 02. und 03. März war als Hybrid-Event ein voller Erfolg! Wir blicken zurück auf zwei wundervolle Tage an Bord der digitalen Kreuzfahrt und interessanten Gesprächen vor Ort im RCADIA

Unser Jahr 2021 - volle Kraft voraus

Wir blicken zurück auf ein spannendes und ereignisreiches Jahr 2021, das unsere Methoden, Arbeitsweisen und die Durchführung unserer Programme und Angebote erneut vor viele Herausforderungen stellte - aber das ebenso spannende neue Möglichkeiten, Begegnungen und Projekte mit sich brachte!

Indie Dev Insights #2: Wie findet man den RICHTIGEN Publisher?

In der zweiten Folge unserer Videoserie Indie Dev Insights teilt Manny Hachey, COO des Hamburger Studios THREAKS, teilt ihre Erfahrungen aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Publishern als Indie Studio.

Recap: Road to Nordic 2021

At the end of May 2021 we ran our "Road to Nordic" program: A total of 59 representatives game developers and publishers as well as students from Hamburg attended the Nordic Game Conference 2021 May edition as part of our Gamecity Hamburg delegation.

Looking back at 2020 – achievements unlocked for the games hotspot Hamburg

2020 is a year we will all remember. Apart from the fact that the entire world has changed, our working methods had to change, too. Plans, programs, and offers had to be redesigned and rethought.

Games Lift - What's in a workshop

Good workshops are hard to find. In the Games Lift incubator, they are a main attraction of the program. It’s seasoned game devs giving personal advice to a small group. But there is a crinkle: Because of the pandemic, this time around all talks and workshops of the Games Lift Incubator are being held remotely.

Hamburg prototype funding 2020: 7 game projects funded with 430,000 euros

Hamburg supports 7 game projects with 430,000 euros in first round of new prototype funding initiative

OneManOnMars releases Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero

OneManOnMars will finally release the exciting 2D action adventure Leif's Adventure on December 19, 2024!

Recap 2024 und Ausblick 2025

Es ist gefühlt erst eine Woche her, dass wir in die Projekte und Veranstaltungen für 2024 gestartet sind und schon ist das Jahr wieder zu Ende!

Weitere News
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