30. Juni 2021
Recap: Road to Nordic 2021
At the end of May 2021 we ran our "Road to Nordic" program: A total of 59 representatives game developers and publishers as well as students from Hamburg attended the Nordic Game Conference 2021 May edition as part of our Gamecity Hamburg delegation.

Nordic Game continues to be one of the most important games industry events in Europe. As a partner of the Nordic Game, we want to look back and congratulate the Nordic Game on this successful online event: More than 1,600 attendees registered, over 1,000 business meetings were held and the conference live program stream was watched over 3,000 times.

Through our "Road to Nordic" program, Gamecity Hamburg offered publishers, developers and other professionals from the Hamburg games industry the opportunity to visit the conference free of charge as part of our Gamecity Hamburg delegation. THREAKS GmbH, CrazyBunch, CRATR.games GmbH, Double Shot Audio, Prospector, OneManOnMars Art & Games e.K., Mooneye Studios, Tiny Roar, Studio Monstrum and Curvature Games were part of the “Road to Nordic” program and benefitted from networking opportunities and the possibility of presenting their projects. Studios and Publishers also had the opportunity to attend Nordic's Publisher Market to pitch their projects to possible publishers or respectively hearing pitches from indie game studios as publishers. In addition to these industry professionals, we could also distribute tickets to 38 students of games related programs from the HAW Hamburg, HTK Academy, Hochschule Fresenius and the SAE Institute.
Gamecity Hamburg compiled a delegation showreel that was shown in the conference live stream between the conference program points. It featured game trailers from THREAKS (Project MORPH), OneManOnMars (Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero), Mooneye Indies (Lost Ember & Haven Park) and Tiny Roar (Hellfire) - you can watch it below.
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