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More initiatives of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Indie Dev Insights #3: How to build a successful small indie team

In the third episode of our Indie Dev Insights video series, Daniel Marx, CEO at the Hamburg-based Osmotics Studio, gives first-hand insights about his experience with founding a studio and working in a small indie team.

Daniel Marx from Osmotic Studios
Daniel Marx from Osmotic Studios

Most indie teams start off rather small, as a group of friends or colleagues with a great idea. But there are many roles to be filled during the game development process, which means every member of the team has to be prepared to take on different responsibilites and a variety of tasks. How can young teams handle this challenge? Or can this challenge even turn into an advantage?  

Daniel Marx, Chief Executive Officer at Hamburg-based indie developer Osmotic Studios offered us some insight on how their small team has been working since 2014 and during the development of multiple games. He talks about the challenges and opportunities teams like theirs encounter and why now is the best time to found a studio in Hamburg. Watch the interview here! 

A big thank you to Daniel for this insightful interview and to moodmacher+ who produced the video!

This is the third video of Gamecity Hamburg's new series "Indie Dev Insights" where we talk to indie devs and industry experts about topics that concern indies apart from strictly development topics - like marketing, sales, funding, publishing or in this case: organizing your team. You can find the first episode here, in which we covered the topic publishing - but from a publisher's perspective, with Jonas Hüsges from Daedalic Entertainment. In our second episode, Manny Hachey, COO of the indie studio THREAKS told us all about how to find the right publisher for your game.  

Also, we're already preparing the next episodes with more indie dev topics for 2022. So stay tuned and subscribe to our YouTube channel to not miss any new episode.


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