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More initiatives of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Games Germany: Alle unter einem Dach

Die regionalen Player der deutschen Gamesbranche wachsen zusammen: Sechs Gamesförderungen und weitere sieben Netzwerkinstitutionen bündeln ihre Aktivitäten und Auftritte in der Dachorganisation „Games Germany - Regional Funds and Networks“. Bei den Nordic Games in Malmö wird Games Germany erstmals unter dem Label auftreten.

Zuerst gab es die Förderungen: Viele Bundesländer gründeten nach und nach diesen Baustein zur Finanzierung für die Gamesbranche. Dann kamen die Netzwerk-Einrichtungen: Um eine Infrastruktur zu gründen und diese weiter zu entwickeln, helfen diese Einrichtungen bei der Professionalisierung und Sichtbarkeit sowie bei der Vernetzung innerhalb der Gamesbranche und mit anderen Branchen wie Film, IT und Design. Um die Vernetzung auf andere wichtige Märkte innerhalb Europas und mit Amerika und Asien umfassend und effizient auszudehnen, werden 13 Partner Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks ( gründen.

Gemeinsam decken die Partner FFF Bayern, Film und Medienstiftung NRW, gamearea-FRM (Hessen), gamecity:Hamburg, Games/Bavaria, games:net berlinbrandenburg, Game Up!Rheinland Pfalz, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, Mediennetzwerk NRW, MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, nordmedia – Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen und WERK1.Bayern fast ganz Deutschland ab.

Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks bietet allen Gamesschaffenden Informationen zur Förderung und Finanzierung sowie zu Entwicklungs-, Produktionsbedingungen und zu Publishing in Deutschland. Darüber hinaus unterstützt Games Germany – Regional Funds and Networks die deutsche Gamesindustrie bei ihrem Auftritt auf den großen nationalen und internationalen Messen. Angelehnt ist das zugrundeliegende Modell an Focus Germany, der Dachorganisation der acht Länderfilmförderungen in Deutschland.

Der erste Auftritt von Games Germany - Regional Funds and Networks findet am 17. Mai 2017 auf den Nordic Games in Malmö statt. Bei einem Empfang präsentieren sich Vertreter der zwölf Institutionen und stellen die Dachorganisation vor. Die Games Germany Reception findet am 17. Mai 2017 von 18 bis 20 Uhr statt.

Offiziell startet Games Germany - Regional Funds and Networks im Rahmen der gamescom in Köln (22.-26.8.2017).


School Internship Games January 2025: Pupils discover games industry in Hamburg companies

During a three-week internship, 15 9th grade students from Hamburg gained insights into the various job profiles and companies in the games industry. We visited them for their final presentation and found out what they learned.

Portside Game Assembly: Ticket sales for brunch and party launched

With Portside Game Assembly, Gamecity Hamburg is welcoming studio heads and directors from successful indie game studios on a conference ship and other extraordinary locations in Hamburg on June 27, 2025. More participating studios are announced and the ticket sale for all events has started.

Senator's Roundtable 2025 at Hamburg City Hall

As in previous years, Dr. Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media, and Gamecity Hamburg invited executives from the gaming industry to the Senator's Roundtable 2025 at the Hamburg City Hall to discuss current challenges and topics within the industry.

The German Creative Economy Summit 2024. Photo by Jan-Marius Kampnagel

German Creative Economy Summit 2025: Program Highlights

On March 5 and 6, 2025, the German Creative Economy Summit will once again take place in Hamburg, the largest national industry get-together for the entire creative industry at the location Kampnagel. We have put together a few program tips for you.

Application open for German federal computer game funding

Tiny Roar release "Into the Emberlands" as full version

Hamburg-based indie developer Tiny Roar released “Into the Emberlands” as version 1.0.

OneManOnMars releases Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero

OneManOnMars will finally release the exciting 2D action adventure Leif's Adventure on December 19, 2024!

Recap 2024 and Outlook for 2025

It feels like just a week ago that we embarked on our projects and events for 2024 and just like that the year has come to an end again!

Games Lift: A beginning, not an end

Graduation is in the books. The Games Lift class of 2024 has aced their biggest test yet with flying colors. On the stage, the teams revealed what’s next for their projects.

Octofox Games release Wild Woods in Early Access

Funded by Gamecity Hamburg, the Coop-Adventure game Wild Woods by Octofox Games goes into Early Access on Steam published by Daedalic Entertainment on December 9, 2024.

German Developer Award 2024: Hamburg Studios win big

At the German Developer Award on December 3, 2024, "Closer the Distance" by Osmotic Studios won in the 3 categories Best Audio Design, Best Story and Innovation. The Ubisoft Newcomer Award went to "Map Map - A Game about Maps" by Pipapo Games, which is also represented in the Games Lift Incubator 2023 and the Prototype Funding 2024 of Gamecity Hamburg.

Games Lift: Honeybeak aim for the Sky

They may just be starting out, but already seem like a well-practiced team. With “ForeFeathers”, four fellow students demonstrate a special sense for puns – and cuddly penguins. Read more in our Games Lift Log.

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