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More initiatives of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Die 9. Hamburg Games Conference in Bildern und Videos

Unter dem Motto "Play it: The Future of Games and Films" fand am 5. April die 9. Hamburg Games Conference statt. Hier gibt's Bilder und Videos eines spannenden Nachmittags und Abends.

Die Besucher der 9. Hamburg Games Conference bekamen einiges zu hören und zu sehen: Erfahrene Sprecher und spannende Vorträge rund ums Thema Transmedia, um die Berührungspunkte und Schnittmengen von Film und Spiel zeichneten die gehaltvolle Veranstaltung aus, die auch in diesem Jahr ihre Heimat in der Bucerius Law School fand.

So hielt beispielsweise Christian Fonnesbech, Head of IP bei Nordisk Film Games die Keynote, Bengt-Oliver Stellmann von Garlic Games Media sprach über ein AR-Game zu einer Graphic Novel vom Carlsen Verlag und Niklas Wilke von PriceWaterhouseCoopers präsentierte Marktzahlen und Chancen bei transmedialen Produkten.


Wer nicht anwesend sein konnte, sollte sich ein bisschen grämen - schließlich haben er oder sie tolle Gelegenheiten zum Networking verpasst. Aber zu großer Ärger ist fehl am Platz: Die Gamecity:Hamburg hat die komplette Konferenz live übertragen, sämtliche Vorträge sind auf YouTube zu finden. Wer auf die Themen klickt, kommt direkt zum Video des jeweiligen Programmpunkts.

Less risk, more value: Create your IP for ALL media
Christian Fonnesbech (Head of IP Development, Nordisk Film Games)

Case Study: Vom Album zum Buch, Film und Game und vom Film zum VR-Game - Erfahrungen aus Transmedia-Projekten
Michael Geidel (Produzent für Film und Games, MiriquidiFilm Leipzig)

Case Study: Die Workflows von „Trüberbrook" – Was man aus der Filmproduktion für Games-Development lernen kann
Hans Böhme (btf GmbH)

Case Study:AR-Game zur Graphic Novel „Der nasse Fisch" vom Carlsen Verlag
Bengt-Oliver Stellmann (Creative Director, Garlic Games Media GmbH)

Case Study
Petra Monheim (Founder, Goodbye Kansas Germany)

Marktzahlen und Chancen bei transmedialen Produkten
Niklas Wilke (Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers)

Und auch die anschließende Veranstaltung - der Gamecity-Treff mit 12min.NEXT zum Thema "Games & Gamification" - hat's auf die YouTube-Seite der Gamecity Hamburg geschafft. Hier ist das Video - wir wünschen viel erbaulichen Spaß beim Gucken!


Tiny Roar release "Into the Emberlands" as full version

Hamburg-based indie developer Tiny Roar released “Into the Emberlands” as version 1.0.

OneManOnMars releases Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero

OneManOnMars will finally release the exciting 2D action adventure Leif's Adventure on December 19, 2024!

Recap 2024 and Outlook for 2025

It feels like just a week ago that we embarked on our projects and events for 2024 and just like that the year has come to an end again!

Games Lift: A beginning, not an end

Graduation is in the books. The Games Lift class of 2024 has aced their biggest test yet with flying colors. On the stage, the teams revealed what’s next for their projects.

Octofox Games release Wild Woods in Early Access

Funded by Gamecity Hamburg, the Coop-Adventure game Wild Woods by Octofox Games goes into Early Access on Steam published by Daedalic Entertainment on December 9, 2024.

German Developer Award 2024: Hamburg Studios win big

At the German Developer Award on December 3, 2024, "Closer the Distance" by Osmotic Studios won in the 3 categories Best Audio Design, Best Story and Innovation. The Ubisoft Newcomer Award went to "Map Map - A Game about Maps" by Pipapo Games, which is also represented in the Games Lift Incubator 2023 and the Prototype Funding 2024 of Gamecity Hamburg.

Games Lift: Honeybeak aim for the Sky

They may just be starting out, but already seem like a well-practiced team. With “ForeFeathers”, four fellow students demonstrate a special sense for puns – and cuddly penguins. Read more in our Games Lift Log.

Games Lift: Duck ’n’ Run raise the level

It looks like a finished game – the prototype for “Light of Atlantis” from Duck’n’Run Games has already found fans and won awards. But the trio behind it is far from finished.

Join "Portside Game Assembly” Conference by Gamecity Hamburg in June 2025

We can finally announce the premiere of our new event “Portside Game Assembly” (PSGA) for June 27, 2025 - where indie game leaders meet.

Games Lift: Tales from the Garden on letting ink bloom

Some games work without words. “Garden Ink” is a playful and intuitive experience, but behind the relaxed vibe lies a lot of hard work - and a clear vision.

Games Lift: Triflgard develop more than just a pub

In “Pubcrawler”, it's not the people who are setting forth to the pub, but the other way around. Triflgard bring a sense of wit and warmth to the Games Lift incubator that also works on sober minds.

Application start for Creative Europe Video Games and Immersive Content Development

Companies and studios can apply until February 12, 2025 for the funding for the development of narrative games and interactive projects by Creative Europe.

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