Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Three Questions to: Gamelight and their AI-Powered User Acquisition Platform

The Hamburg-based company Gamelight is one of the world's biggest rewarded marketing platform for mobile games. The platform uses AI algorithms to provide User Acquisiton services by connecting gamers and game developers through its game recommendation systems. The platform has won multiple prestigious awards, including "Best AI Tool" at the dottCom Awards. Recently they received the Digiday Technology Award in the category of Best Mobile Marketing Platform, which provided the perfect opportunity to invite them for a short interview to explain their business to us.

User Acquisition might not be a term everyone in the games industry is familiar with. Can you tell us exactly what it entails and for which area of the industry it's relevant?

We are sure everyone once heard about UA in one way or another. User acquisition is relevant for everyone who is interested in having users or customers who use their service, game, or product. In the realm of the mobile gaming industry, it stands as a cornerstone of success for those aspiring to find a dedicated user base for their mobile games. Crafting a remarkable mobile game is just the first step. To truly thrive, you must find and engage the right players, and that's where UA comes in.

In the highly competitive mobile gaming industry, user acquisition isn't just a matter of survival; it's about flourishing. It's about pinpointing potential players, connecting with their interests, and drawing them into your mobile game's world. The importance of user acquisition in the mobile gaming industry cannot be overstated.

This is where Gamelight shines. Our AI-powered platform simplifies the UA process, making it accessible and effective. With Gamelight, the mobile games publishers are equipped to navigate the complexities of user acquisition, ensuring their mobile game doesn't get lost in the crowd. We're here to help our partners to build a devoted player community, turning their game into a resounding success.

Gamelight is a UA platform that uses an AI Algorithm. Can you tell us more about the concept and for which businesses this might be useful?

Sure! Gamelight’s mobile marketing platform has an integrated AI algorithm that continuously analyzes large volumes of real-time data, including users' app usage data, demographic data and behavioural patterns, to drive high engagement and monetization to partner games. The algorithm creates user profiles, identifying overlaps between highly engaged users of the game and potential new users, which drives sustained engagement and positive in-game behaviour

With these insights in hand, Gamelight employs machine learning to enhance the algorithm's performance. What's truly remarkable is that the algorithm is designed to self-adapt and optimize marketing campaigns without any human intervention.

As a result, our partners, the major mobile games publishers worldwide, not only achieve remarkable ROAS, significantly increasing their earnings from existing users but also attract a substantial number of new, highly engaged players.

With a company and business model like yours, you aren't really bound to a specific location, plus most of your team works remotely. Why did you choose Hamburg for your seat of operation?

It’s true; our team partly works remotely, and we have diverse backgrounds with 12 different nationalities that bring a lot of creativity and expertise together. But Hamburg is Gamelight's home base, and it's where you'll find our main office along with the majority of our team members.

Choosing Hamburg as the headquarters for our company was a clear-cut decision for our co-founders, Florian Elmies and Günay Aliyeva. Both have been residing in Hamburg for many years, and their genuine connection to the city made it the unquestionable choice.

Also, we chose Hamburg as our seat of operation because it holds a significant position in the gaming industry. The city is home to a thriving community of gaming companies, and our goal is to become a vital component of this dynamic ecosystem, actively engaged and visible within the industry.

Want to find out more about Gamelight? Visit their website for more info and job opportunities. 


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Job Spotlight: Bytro

Bytro is a well-established institution in the Hamburg games industry and the mobile and browser games market. Their first game, Supremacy 1914, will turn 15 years old in May of 2024. This is a rare milestone for any game, especially considering that this historic war strategy game might not exactly be a mainstream product. The key to running a successful company for a long time is, of course, the people. As Bytro is currently hiring, we spoke to Felix Schröter, the interim Lead for Analytics and Monetization. He has had many different opportunities at Bytro and gave us deeper insights into the company and their current job openings.

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