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More initiatives of the Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

gamescom 2020: Gamecity Hamburg with a digital booth at the Indie Arena Booth Online

Applications are open until May 31

Gamecity Hamburg will present the latest games from Hamburg game developers and the services offered by the location initiative at this year's first purely digital gamescom with its virtual booth at the Indie Arena Booth Online. Until May 31, Hamburg developers and game companies can apply to showcase their games at the digital Gamecity Hamburg booth.

gamescom will be held in 2020 as a purely digital trade show. This means new challenges for the organizers as well as for all exhibitors and companies. Creative ideas and digital solutions are needed to transfer successful major events online. With the new Indie Arena Booth Online, the award-winning exhibition booth, which brings together computer and video games from all over the world, can be experienced online for the first time. In addition to many opportunities for interaction, there will also be special promotional events at gamescom, for example in cooperation with Steam.

In cooperation with Indie Arena Booth, Gamecity Hamburg is developing a digital version of the Gamecity Hamburg booth with its design and special features. Hamburg-based studios and developers can apply for participation until May 31, 2020, and can receive the following benefits:

  • Participation in the online workshop "Road to gamescom" in June on the topics of pitching, PR and networking
  • Virtual Booth on the Gamecity Hamburg area (with interactive elements like access to online shops, homepages, talking NPCs)
  • Access to B2B backend/ the digital business lounge of the Indie Arena Booth Online
  • Integration of the own game into the main live stream
  • Participation in sales and other events
  • social media features
  • Part of the official Indie Arena Booth Line Up Trailer

When applying, “Gamecity” has to be entered in front of the game’s name and the following information must be entered in the application field "Short Game Description" to participate in the competition for the Gamecity Hamburg online booth: "We would like to participate in the Gamecity Hamburg program"

the following information must be entered in the application field "Short Game Description" to participate in the competition for the gamecity:Hamburg online booth:

"We would like to participate in the Gamecity Hamburg program"


For the offer by gamecity:Hamburg the following conditions of participation are necessary:

  • Head office of the applicants or a branch office in Hamburg
  • A playable version of the submitted game will be available at gamescom 2020
  • Applicants are commercially oriented and belong to the games industry

The application is now possible online at

The application period for the Gamecity Hamburg offer ends on May 31, 2020.

Further information on the schedule and program of the digital trade exhibition and the online version of the Indie Arena Booth will be announced in good time.


Announcement: DOWNLOADEN

Announcement: DOWNLOADEN

Conditions of Participation: DOWNLOADEN

Conditions of Participation: DOWNLOADEN


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