June 14, 2019
de minimis aid for the promotion of computer games - Applications now possible
The submission phase for the de minimis aid for the promotion of computer games by the Federal Government runs until 30 August.

Initially, companies were able to express their interest in the funding until 3 June, so as to enable the Ministry of Infrastructure (BMVI) to determine the volume of subsidies required. On 3 June, the application phase for the funding began.
In the first step small to medium sized enterprises are to be supported. Both prototypes and game productions are eligible for funding. The subsidy may not exceed 200,000€ in a period of three calendar years. Up to 50% of the total production costs can be covered. In order to particularly support small companies and start-ups, they can also receive a bonus of up to 20%, i.e. up to 70% of the production costs.
In order to help with the application for the funding, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure and the game - Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. (Association of the German Games Industry) organised a webinar this morning (14 June, 10-11 a.m.). At this webinar, questions regarding the electronis application and offer system of the Federal Government easy-online and the submission of sketches were clarified. The recording of the webinar, whisch will remain online until 30 August, as well as an FAQ on the funding can be found here.