Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

XCreation-Workshop: Aviation & Creative Industries

An event of the Cross Innovation Hub and gamecity:Hamburg in cooperation with ZAL - Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung:

VR simulations for flight staff training or AR applications that playfully lead through the processes of turbine maintenance - how can these techniques be used in aeronautical research to optimize processes? How can gamification tools be used to provide practical solutions? The Cross Innovation Hub, gamecity:Hamburg and the Center of Applied Aeronautical Research invite you to the XCreation-Workshop to explore the innovation potential of collaboration between aeronautical research and the creative industry: Within one day, interdisciplinary teams will develop innovative project ideas at the intersection of aviation and gamification.

Who we are looking for:

XCreation is aimed at experts from aeronautics research as well as creative professionals, especially from the fields of games, software, VR/AR, design (e.g. Motion and UX Design), film and the performing arts.

The registration deadline is December 2.

Please, register here: EVENTBRITE.

The schedule:

After a short networking session, the day starts with two keynote speeches introducing the topic and providing a basis for the ideation- and team-building phases: Besides insights into the challenges of aeronautical research, Tahsin Avci from the digital agency Pop Rocket Labs will give input on the question "How Gamification can promote intrinsic motivation". A moderated ideation process follows the methodically driven team-building process: Using the Design Studio method, the participants develop and concretize project ideas at the interface of aviation and gamification in a collaborative process. There will be the opportunity to refine the ideas developed in the workshop together with ZAL and the Cross Innovation Hub in a follow-up format.

For registration, please select your ticket type according to your industry sector.

Tickets are available at Eventbrite.

By participating in the event, you give your consent that pictures and videos can be taken of you as a participant during the event. The photos are used exclusively for marketing and public relations purposes by ZAL GmbH and may be saved for this purpose. If you do not wish ZAL GmbH to take videos and photos of you, please inform us in written form (mali.paede@kreativgesellschaft.org)

Parking facilities are available along Hein-Saß-Weg and at the Rilano Hotel (chargeable), which is located within walking distance to the ZAL (Hein-Saß-Weg 22). Due to the limited parking spaces, we recommend arriving by public transport.

The Cross Innovation Hub is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

This event will be held in English.


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Weitere News
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