Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

The Hamburg Games Conference: Program highlights and top speakers 2020

Highlights and top speakers 2020

With Dr. Carsten Brosda, Hamburg's Senator for Culture, inaugurating the eleventh Hamburg Games Conference on 27 February, the three halls of the Zeise cinema will be the venue for lectures on the challenges and opportunities for digital revenue models for games, panels with top-class speakers and an attractive supporting program:

Speakers from established games companies such as Wooga, Rockfish Games, Daedalic, Azerion, Cornfox & Bros, Raw Fury, FDG Entertainment, Thunderful Publishing, Axel Springer, Rocket Beans, PietSmiet and The CodingMonkeys will share their knowledge on the topic of "Digital revenue models in games - how games developers will earn money with their content in the future".

All information about the program as well as tickets can be found at www.gamesconference.com

Conference TICKETS

Gamecity Treff TICKETS

Opening speech from Dr. Carsten Brosda, Hamburg's Senator for Culture

Dr. Carsten Brosda

(Copyright: Bertold Fabricius)

We are very pleased that Dr. Carsten Brosda, Hamburg's Senator for Culture - together with the organizers Dr. Ralph Oliver Graef and Dr. Christian Rauda as well as Dennis Schoubye from gamecity:Hamburg - will personally inaugurate the 11th Hamburg Games Conference. The Hamburg Senator for Culture's greetings at 10:30 a.m. underlines the importance of the Hamburg Games Conference for the digital industry and emphasizes the importance of games as a cultural asset over and their economic relevance for the region.

Michael Schade, CEO and Co-Founder at the Hamburg based studio Rockfish Games, gives the keynote at Hamburg Games Conference 2020: With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, Schade delivers his insights on how to be successful on the games market – from funding to developing to selling a game.

Michael Schade

Apple Arcade: The next big hit for mobile developers?

In fall 2019 Apple launched Apple Arcade, a new subscription service, that differs widely from the established rules of mobile gaming – the games work offline and contain no ads or microtransactions. Sounds great for players, but is it also a sustainable business model for developers?

100 million new players by 2030: Games in onboard entertainment

Onboard entertainment is well established on (long-distance) flights – and will become an important feature of electric cars in the foreseeable future. Tesla already has a number of games implemented, while plenty of other car manufacturers are working on similar solutions for their onboard entertainment. This panel is dedicated to this exciting new market segment.

How do I earn money with my games?

You have plenty of choices to make when developing a game in 2020: Should it be a physical retail release? Sold via Steam? Or on GOG without DRM? What about the Epic Games Store? And will a console port be worth it? Or does it have to be on iOS and Android? Our experts talk about how and where to actually make money with a game.

Building a company people love to work at

"There's free coffee and water" - great! What might have been enough a few years ago to get employees excited about his company, no longer draws them out of their shell. Especially fast-growing companies must not lose sight of the needs of their team. Of course, companies must be modern, efficient and successful. But they must also adapt to social developments and their employees. With flexible working models, transparency, respect, and perspectives. What does the workplace of the future look like and what are companies already doing to attract - and retain - their employees? Lenka Kaciakova (Vice President HR at Wooga) and Arno Heinisch (Managing Director of Rocket Beans) talk about these exciting questions for the most popular employers of the future.

How influencers want to play

An important aspect of the coverage and ultimately the sales figures of a game is the appeal it has for big influencers. Let's Plays and other features on the channels of high reach influencers are ideally worth cash money. But what must a game offer to stand out from the crowd? How important are twitch integrations and similar options? Mikkel Robrahn, COO at PietSmiet and influencer fisHC0p report.


Tickets for the Hamburg Games Conference are available at Eventbrite: http://bit.ly/HGC2020-TICKETS

If you purchase an “All Access” ticket, you get access to the Conference’s Business Area, Expo, Streaming Area, Catering and the Gamecity Treff.

If you purchase an “Essential” ticket, you get access to Talks, Expo and Streaming Area, but you have to get an additional ticket for the Gamecity Treff.

Gamecity Treff Tickets: https://gamecitytreff2020.eventbrite.de


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Games Lift: Triflgard entwickeln mehr als eine Kneipe

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Bewerbungsstart für Creative Europe Video Games and Immersive Content Development

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