Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Pitch Level Up 2023: Boost your pitch with expert feedback!

After the successful premiere last year, the Pitch Level Up is back on April 13, 11 am - 6 pm: Get individual feedback on your pitch deck from seasoned games industry professionals with different perspectives - to optimize your pitch for publishers, media, investors or funding institutions.

Sign up here until April 10!

Photo above by Jan-Marius Komorek / Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

A convincing pitch for a games project or prototype is crucial for successfully contacting and negotiating with publishers, investors or funding institutions. So we want to help you to optimize your approach to pitching your game project for different stakeholders with our Pitch Level Up event on Arpil 13!

You can choose up to three experts from our team of experts that will be available to you in 30-minute timeslots, listen to your pitch presentation in 10 minutes and give you individual feedback for 20 minutes. Get valuable, honest and constructive feedback from people who have seen hundreds of pitches – all in a “safe space”, without possibly spoiling any future chances.

If you want to participate in the feedback sessions, please get your ticket until April 10, so we can match you to your experts of choice.

Already confirmed as experts giving feedback are:

If you’re not at the right point to optimize your pitch deck yet or want to put the waiting time between 1:1 feedback appointments to good use, you can profit from the additional talk program during the event: Five expert speakers will explain crucial steps, like how to find the right publisher, what information should be included in an elevator pitch, what conditions are important when signing a contract, and what Dos and Don’ts to keep in mind when communicating with a publisher. To listen to the talk program without taking part in the 1:1 feedback sessions, you can get your ticket until April 11

Talk program during the Pitch Level Up event 2022 | Photo by Jan-Marius Komorek / Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

We're happy to invite you to this unique event on April 13! Our location partner for this event is the Hamburger Ding. A big thank you to Bytro for supporting this event as a sponsor.

Got questions about the Pitch Level Up? Contact Amanda from the Gamecity team: 

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