Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

meet & mingle: animation meets games 2019

Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein and gamecity:Hamburg invite you to meet & mingle: animation meets games at the SAE Institute Hamburg on Tuesday, 22 October from 5:30 pm.

Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein and gamecity:Hamburg invite you to meet & mingle: animation meets games at the SAE Institute Hamburg on Tuesday, 22 October from 5:30 pm.

Two keynote speeches on working with well-known IPs in game development and film production and the challenges will mark the start of the event. The subsequent panel will discuss the similarities and differences in working on games and films based on a IP. The evening then turns into a relaxed get-together.

The meet & mingle is organized with the friendly support of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and in cooperation with the SAE Institute Hamburg and is aimed at actors and interested parties from the fields of animation, film and games. 

Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein's meet & mingle series of events regularly brings together various trades from the moving image industry. Hamburg is home to 200 companies from the games industry, 80 animation companies and around 600 film productions, as well as numerous media schools and universities offering courses of study and training in animation, film and game development.


Maurice Hagelstein: "Was that necessary? - How we revived Leisure Suit Larry in times of #metoo of all things"

Maurice Hagelstein is Game Director of Indie Studio Tiny Roar and was involved as an author in the reboot of the infamous point-and-click adventure game Leisure Suit Larry. His lecture deals with the challenges of the development and the handling of the expectations of the fanbase of the popular game series, which has grown over decades.

Dirk Beinhold: "DIE HEINZELS - About the (not only nocturnal and secret) work of creating a new brand out of a dusty German legend"

After six years of work, among others in the Hamburg animation studios of Akkord Film, DIE HEINZELS - RÜCKKEHR DER HEINZELMÄNNCHEN will be released on January 30, 2020, in the cinema on a grand scale and the matching merchandise will be on the shelves. Producer and managing director Dirk Beinhold, who was also the creative mind behind DIE HEINZELS, explains how this came about and which hurdles had to be overcome.

The following panel with both speakers will be moderated by Dr. Jan Asmus, Head of Administration at Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.


meet & mingle October, 22nd 2019

Admission: 5:30 p.m.

Welcome: 6:00 p.m.

Helge Albers, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein

Diana Rickwardt, Handelskammer Hamburg

Dennis Schoubye, gamecity:Hamburg

Get-together/Networking: 7:00 p.m.

End of event: 10:00 p.m.

Location: SAE Institute, Feldstraße 66, 20359 Hamburg, Germany

Free registration on Eventbrite: LINK


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Der German Creative Economy Summit 2024. Foto: Jan-Marius Komorek

German Creative Economy Summit 2025: Programmtipps

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Antragstellung offen für Computerspielförderung des Bundes

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Tiny Roar release "Into the Emberlands" as full version

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OneManOnMars releases Leif's Adventure: Netherworld Hero

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Recap 2024 und Ausblick 2025

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Games Lift: Kein Abschluss, ein Anfang

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Octofox Games release Wild Woods in Early Access

Funded by Gamecity Hamburg, the Coop-Adventure game Wild Woods by Octofox Games goes into Early Access on Steam published by Daedalic Entertainment on December 9, 2024.

Deutscher Entwicklerpreis 2024: Diese zwei Hamburger Studios haben gewonnen

Beim Deutschen Entwicklerpreis am 03. Dezember 2024 gewann Closer the Distance von Osmotic Studios in den 3 Kategorieren Bestes Audiodesign, Beste Story und Innovation. Der Ubisoft Newcomer Award ging an Map Map - A Game about Maps von Pipapo Games, die auch im Games Lift Incubator 2023 und der Prototypenförderung 2024 von Gamecity Hamburg vertreten sind.

Games Lift: Honeybeak planen den Höhenflug

Sie stehen am Anfang, wirken aber bereits wie ein eingespieltes Team. Vier Studienkolleginnen beweisen mit „ForeFeathers“ Sinn für Wortspiele und knuffige Pinguine. Mehr erfahrt ihr in unserem Games Lift Log.

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