Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Hamburg Games Conference 2021 sets new standards for B2B online events

The Hamburg Games Conference 2021 welcomed more than 600 international attendees at the first online edition, featuring an industry first in its multiplayer online format as a virtual cruise ship.

The Hamburg Games Conference 2021, co-hosted by Gamecity Hamburg and GRAEF Rechtsanwälte, welcomed more than 600 international attendees at the first online edition, which made extensive use of the digital platform for business meetings and networking with a total of more than 2,000 video calls.

Featuring an industry first in its multiplayer online format designed by Hamburg-based event company Super Crowd Entertainment, the Hamburg Games Conference 2021 took place on a virtual cruise ship, which attendees were able to access via their internet browsers without any additional downloads.

The Arcade Deck featured the prototype funding recipients 2020 with their game projects. 

The virtual cruise ship was divided into six ship decks, where attendees conducted meetings via video call, toured more than 50 exhibitor booths, participated in a speed-dating networking session, and watched various talks by industry experts.

Livestreams and video-matchmaking on a virtual ship

A total of 463 business meetings were booked through the MeetToMatch system, resulting in more than 2000 video calls – including spontaneous calls among the attendees, which were possible for the first time at the conference due to the technical platform – and more than 350 hours spent in online meetings. The average time spent by participants on board the virtual cruise ship was 4.5 hours.

The next Hamburg Games Conference is set for early 2022, and with these positive experiences in tow, we are looking forward to next year.

Let us take you back to the conference with this closing video of the Hamburg Games Conference 2021:


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