Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Gamecity Treff meets GAMEVENTION on November 22

gamecity:Hamburg invites you to the Gamecity Treff at Nochtspeicher in the wake of the new Hamburg games exhibition GAMEVENTION on November 22.

gamecity:Hamburg invites you to the Gamecity Treff at Nochtspeicher in the wake of the new Hamburg games exhibition GAMEVENTION on November 22. The event follows the GAMEVENTION conference day and for the first time includes a pitch and match.

Registration is now possible: EVENTBRITE

After registering for the Gamecity Treff, all participants will have access to the Pitch and Match platform and can plan meetings prior to the networking event. A total of one hour is available for business meetings before the official start of the Gamecity Treff. The Gamecity Treff is supported by the sponsors Bytro Labs and InnoGames.

Program Gamecity Treff on November 22:

5:45 p.m.            Admission Pitch and Match

6:00 p.m.            Pitch and Match

7:00 p.m.            Admission Gamecity Treff

7:20 p.m.            Welcome and industry news by Dennis Schoubye, Project Lead gamecity:Hamburg together with Bytro Labs and InnoGames

7:35 p.m.            Networking with delicious finger foods and drinks

0:00                    End of the event


Nochtspeicher Hamburg

Bernhard-Nocht-Straße 69a, 20359 Hamburg, Germany

Support for indie and newcomer teams at the GAMEVENTION

gamecity:Hamburg also enables up to four developers, indie and newcomer studios to present their games at Indieville at the GAMEVENTION.

Developers, indie and newcomer studios from Hamburg can now apply for a free stand at the Indieville at the GAMEVENTION on November 23 and 24. The application is possible until October 28.

Applications are open to all studios that:

  • have their headquarters in Hamburg.
  • have a playable version of their title.
  • published their game in 2019.
  • are able to provide a playable version or video of the game for the USK classification by November 4 or already have a USK classification for their game (There are no costs for the applicants).
  • will be able to show their game/prototype at the GAMEVENTION on November 23 and 24.

Further information on the application and selection process can be found at the following link: LINK

Please apply here: Application Form

Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash


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