7. Juni 2019
Deadlines for Awards etc.
From now on you can find here all upcoming deadlines for awards and the like, which might be interesting for the Hamburg games industry.

June 28 - Red Dot Design Award - Brands & Communication Design
Relevant Categories: Apps, Interface & User Experience Design, Film & Animation, Sound Design
Award Ceremony: November 01, 2019
June 30 - Creative Gaming Award
Categories: Most Creative Games, Most Innovative Newcomer
Award Ceremony: November 16, 2019
June 30 - animago AWARD 2019
Relevant Categories: Best Still, Best Visual Effects, Best Game Cinematics, Best Character, Best In-Game Graphics (New Category), Best Young Production, Jury's Prize, ...
Award Ceremony: November 02, 2019
July 12 - German Design Award
Relevant Categories: Audiovisual, Interactive User Experience, Apps, Game Gesign, ...
Award Ceremony: February 07, 2020
July 31 - iF Design Talent Award
1. „What iF your design were to help James Bond during his next mission to save the world?“
2. „What iF we had to stop sometimes?“
3. SAMSUNG DESIGN PRIZE 2019 by iF: „Design for Collaboration – new concept of collaboration tools and solutions for the augmented workplace.“
4. MINISO DESIGN PRIZE 2019 by iF: „End poverty in all ist forms everywhere by 2030.“
Award Ceremony: October 31, 2019
August 06 - Kreativ-Transfer
Financial support for creative and games industry events
(period from January 1 to June 30, 2020)
For Indie developers and Indie Studios only
Finalists: Five Weeks after the closing date
Further Information (in German)
August 30 - XCR nextReality Contest
Relevant Categories: Interavtive Entertainment (VR/AR-Game), Interactive Business (B2B only), Young Talent (students and pupils only), Best Innovation, Community Award
Award Finalists: October 1, 2019