Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Daedalic's "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum" Out Now

Daedalic Entertainment is releasing the long-anticipated "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum", a new adventure mixed with action elements exploring the story of the iconic Lord of the Rings character today.

First announced in 2019, this game by the Hamburg-based studio has been anticipated by press and fans alike. Following the untold story of the iconic character, players can witness and influence his tranformation from Sméagol into Gollum. Gollum has had many adventures and encounters on his extraordinary journey in the books, through which the players will navigate him with stealth and wits. 

A big congratulations to Daedalic on this extraordinary project featuring such a beloved franchise!

You can check out the  "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum" on Steam, Epic Games, PlaystationXbox or on the official website.


Tiny Roar release "Into the Emberlands" as full version

Hamburg-based indie developer Tiny Roar released “Into the Emberlands” as version 1.0.

Games Lift: Honeybeak planen den Höhenflug

Sie stehen am Anfang, wirken aber bereits wie ein eingespieltes Team. Vier Studienkolleginnen beweisen mit „ForeFeathers“ Sinn für Wortspiele und knuffige Pinguine. Mehr erfahrt ihr in unserem Games Lift Log.

Rückblick: Polaris 2024

Die dritte Polaris Convention 2024 war fantastisch! Über 40.000 Besucher*innen bevölkerten die Hamburger Messehallen an drei Messetagen zu den Themen Games, Manga, Anime, asiatische Pop-Kultur und Commmunity.

Stellenausschreibung: Wir suchen eine*n Werkstudent*in

Wir suchen ab sofort eine*n Werkstudent*in (w/m/d) mit Schwerpunkt Projekte & Kommunikation 

Impawsible Games launch Kickstarter Campaign for "Ninja Brigade"

Games Lift participants Impawsible Games have launched a campaign on Kickstarter for their game “Ninja Brigade feat. Jonah Weingarten”, an action-packed 2D platformer Metroidvania. 

Warum Sichtbarkeit von LGBTQIA+ in Games so wichtig ist

Journalistin Lea Irion hat es dank eines Videospiels geschafft, zu ihrer Sexualität zu stehen. Hier erzählt sie ihre Geschichte und die von zwei LGBTQIA+ Entwickler*innen aus Hamburg.

(C) Photo by Sebastian Reuter/Getty Images for Marchsreiter Communications )

Hamburger Studios gewinnen beim Deutschen Computerspielpreis 2024

Vier Hamburger Studios sind beim Deutschen Computerspielpreis 2024 ausgezeichnet worden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

HAW Hamburg - A Place Where Indie Game Careers Are Born

Hamburg is home to a great number of vocational schools, private and public universities where people can learn all about games jobs and how to kickstart their career in the industry.

Hamburg Games Conference Lecture Hall in the Altonaer Museum

Recap: Hamburg Games Conference 2024

It’s a wrap! The 15th Hamburg Games Conference (HGC) 2024 brought us two days filled with inspiring talks, panels, discussions and workshops with 42 speakers and 365 guests representing 255 companies from all over the world!

Hamburg Games Conference: 5 Things to Do in the City

Are you visiting our beautiful city for the Hamburg Games conference? We recommend to stay a while and explore some of the unique sights Hamburg has to offer. After all, it is one of the most popular cities to visit in Europe. Here are five things you should do when travelling to town for the Hamburg Games Conference (besides visiting the conference of course)

Schulpraktikum Games an Hamburger Unternehmen

Schulpraktikum Games Januar 2024: Viel gelernt!

Drei Wochen lang konnten 16 Jugendliche aus Hamburger Schulen im Schulpraktikum Games bei zwei Hamburger Game-Studios und der HAW Hamburg in die Gamesbranche reinschnuppern.

Games Made in Germany Steam Sale 2023

Über 215 Spiele werden dieses Jahr beim "Made in Germany " Steam Sale vom 22. bis 29. Juni auf der größten Plattform für PC Spiele ins Rampenlicht gestellt.

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