Games Transfer Funding
The Games Transfer funding program is intended to enable game developers and independent game businesses from Hamburg to access national and international events where they can present their projects, acquire new business contacts, and close deals. Funding is granted for online as well as for offline events.
Eligible events are events with a direct connection to the digital and games industry, a commercial background, or events that can be used to build up business connections. Games Transfer funding is granted as a non-repayable grant on a de minimis basis. The maximum total funding amount per applicant is 1,500 euros per calendar year.
Eligible to apply are companies and natural persons that fulfill the following requirements:
- Headquarters/business premises or the residence of an applicant are located in Hamburg
- No more than 20 permanent employees
- The applicant is active in the games industry

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to accept applications for Games Transfer. To be informed when applications for the funding program are possible again, subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

- 1. What are the goals of Games Transfer? ↓
Goals of the Games Transfer funding are:
- Raising visibility of Hamburg-based developers, games projects and games companies on relevant national and international industry events.
- Supporting the initiation of new cooperations and business deals.
- 2. Who is eligible to apply? ↓
Eligible to apply are companies and natural persons that fulfill the following requirements:
- Headquarters/business premises of the applicant (as a company) or the residence of an applicant (as a natural person) are located in Hamburg
- No more than 20 permanent employees
- The applicant is active in the games industry, e.g. developing:
- Digital games (all platforms)
- Serious games
- VR/AR games
- Technical Applications for game developers.
- The project for which the applicant seeks funding is planned to be commercially exploited.
- The applicant can demonstrate a valid need for attending the event and funding in their application.
- 3. What can be funded? ↓
Eligible expenses are proven expenses attributable to the attendance of an (online) event that are necessary for the visit and execution of the event. In addition, expenses for the preparation of events are eligible if they are reasonable and directly attributable to the event.
This could be:
- Attendance fees/entry tickets
- Travel expenses, solely:
- Train tickets (second-class)
- Bus tickets (second-class)
- Flight tickets – only if travels via train or bus are not reasonable. Domestic flights are to be avoided
- Tickets for local public transport
- Accomodation (up to 90 euros per night and person)
- Attendance of charged workshops and panels during an event
- Preparation of marketing material necessary specifically and only for the event:
- Graphic designs for printed material and presentations
- Printed materials such as flyers or posters for the promotion of the project and referring to the event
- 4. What is the funding amount and when will it be paid out? ↓
The maximum amount per applicant and project is 1,500 euros per calendar year. The funding requires a personal contribution of 20 percent of the calculated total costs. Games Transfer funding is granted as a non-repayable grant on a de minimis basis. Payment will be based on the actual, attested total costs after the event.