nextMedia.Session #4: Metaverse

The next "big thing" on the horizon could be an entire universe: The metaverse is one of the most discussed digital topics of 2021! There is talk of a virtual world with its own value creation system, but also of a completely new form of communities and social interaction. Audiences of millions at concerts in Fortnite give a first taste of what users can expect in the future.
nextMedia.Hamburg will try to explore together with you, what this means for the content industry and its players and what potential this yields in areas such as audience development, content or marketing. After a theoretical impulse from a cultural perspective, as well as a look at current developments and cases in the context of Metaverse, up to 30 participating experts will work together in an exclusive round and moderated process to discuss these questions and find approaches for the first step into virtual worlds.
All following one question:
"New Social to Virtual Value Creation - Where are the potentials for the content industry?"
To participate, you have to submit your application until Oct 13 through this form.
More info on the event and the nextMedia.Sessions series: nextMedia.Hamburg