6. April 2021
Watch the video: Workshop Prototype Funding Insights
Christopher Kellner, Head of Business Development at astragon entertainment GmbH and Gamecity Hamburg gave insights in an online workshop on what to consider when applying for the Prototype Funding. Watch the video on Youtube.

Do you want to apply for the Prototype Funding? As of now, you can watch the video of the past Prototype Funding Insights Workshop, which addressed a lot of topics on how to prepare for the application process and how to prepare your budget calculations.
The online workshop focussed on these topics among others:
- From idea to pitch – from pitch to submission – from prototype to deal
- Finding the right budget
- How can Indie Devs do a realistic market and competitor analysis for their planned game projects?
- Which key figures & market data should be used?
- What metrics are (freely) available?
- With which already published games should the own project be compared?
- What and how to prototype
- What should be considered when creating a project plan?
- Timings – how long will all of this take? Tips for developing a prototype that arouses the interest of publishers
You can watch the complete video on our Youtube channel: